
Total 228 news.

10.07.2012   11:32
  On 26-27 July,  a Confrence with participation of international experts «Smart city: Electronic Technologies for Promoting the Local Democracy and Urban Sustaina...
29.06.2012   15:54
  June 29, Litochky (Kyiv Region):  In the neighborhood of Litochky village opening of spring renewed within the framework of project "Every drop matters"...
27.06.2012   14:20
  Ukrayinka (Kyiv Region), June 26-27: UNDP Project “Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme” supported mayors` discussion on urgent solid wast...
25.06.2012   15:33
  6 and June 24, 2012, Kyiv: UNDP "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme" presented the experience in the European Village, a platform for disc...
15.05.2012   13:28
  Infographics is a modern tool of communications which allows to organise great amount of information by means of text and graphics. It is a visual presentation of informati...
03.05.2012   15:30
  May 3, Kyiv: The press conference on "Solid waste. Landfills in Ukraine. Does a waste disaster threaten Ukraine?" was held today in the media-hall of the informat...
02.05.2012   13:33
  April 27-28, Kyiv: 40 students and teachers from six cities, representing school communities - winners of the project “Every Drop Matters”, visited Kyiv. During...
26.04.2012   15:42
April 25, Kyiv: Draft Law "On Service in Local Self- Government Bodies" (registration number 9673, new edition, presented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine) was discuss...
25.04.2012   16:57
April 24, village Moschun (Kiev Region): About 50 experts and scholars discussed the set of training modules "Decentralization and Governance" at the workshop organized...
23.04.2012   11:06
  April 20, Kyiv: Projects “Every Drop Matters” and Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme  of United Nations Development Programme prese...

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